ninjatrader 8

Ever Swing Trade E-mini Futures?

Generally speaking, swing trading refers to holding a position for a longer duration than a typical day trade. A typical…

3 years ago

Day Trading: Do Your Thoughts Create Your Reality?

If you have been on social media and have interesting friends or acquaintances, you may have seen the phrase "Your…

3 years ago

DayTradeToWin’s Basic ATM Strategy Approach

Are you semi-automating your order placement? If not, you may want to reconsider it after watching this video. The popular…

3 years ago

5 Markets Traded Using Atlas Line’s Price Action

If your trading platform allows you to trade multiple markets, then why just stick to one? For many years, whether…

4 years ago

What it Means to Scalp Trade Futures Every Day

Futures trading is a unique form of day trading because it is not as though you are trading a company's…

4 years ago

Truths About Crypto & Rigged Financial Systems

One of the great things about the Atlas Line is that it doesn't "change its mind" throughout the day. A…

4 years ago