Category: DayTradeToWin Review
When it comes to trading, figuring out what works and what doesn’t can be a costly process. You could buy every day trading course and software that exists, spending hundreds of thousands of dollars, and be left with very few that are worth anything. From our experience, what works best...
Beginner and experienced traders like to identify areas of support and resistance, or recent highs and lows, by drawing horizontal lines on the chart that coincide with barriers where price did not cross. The idea is that price, again, will not want to tread beyond those lines/values for whatever reason....
If you’re a Windows user who happens to day trade using the NinjaTrader 8 trading platform, you should be aware that maintaining an accurate computer clock is really important. In fact, the indicators that you may be relying on could be less accurate due to an inaccurate Windows computer clock/time....
Want to see recent Trade Scalper signals right away? Watch the first video, which is part of the “Advanced Techniques You Don’t Know” live webinar recording. Under normal E-mini S&P 500 market conditions, when the ATR (Average True Range) period value is set to four, the ATR should be between...
One of the best things you can do to avoid failure and significant losses is to thoroughly practice trading over a large number of days. Take advantage of the paper trading (sim) account provided by your platform. Trade for thirty days or more so you experience a diverse set of...
We share with you the following presentation showing two trading methods performing in real-time on a NinjaTrader chart. Multiple signals work together to confirm trades, thus leaving the trader with greater confidence. In this case, the Trade Scalper and Atlas Line are used. The Atlas Line is great at providing...