Tagged: daytrading


Crucial Insights: How the Fed’s Historical Perspective Impacts Stock Market Risks ??

In the face of numerous gloomy forecasts, stocks have shown remarkable resilience this year, steadfastly forging ahead. Even amidst a recent 2% dip, the S&P 500 has surged more than 17% throughout 2023. This upward trajectory has weathered challenges such as surging interest rates, dwindling earnings, the prolonged Ukrainian conflict,...


Deciphering Success: Goldman Sachs Sheds Light on the Underlying Secret of U.S. Stock Market Dominance

A team of U.S. equity analysts at Goldman Sachs has unveiled the secret underpinning the consistent outperformance of the U.S. stock market compared to international counterparts. The concept is elegantly simple: U.S. corporate managers possess a unique skill in maximizing returns from each dollar of equity investment. This performance metric,...