Tagged: trade scalper


Day Trading Future Analysis for 2022, 2023, & 2024

John Paul, the founder of DayTradeToWin, is in agreement with other financial analysis regarding expectations for the remainder of 2022 as well as the years 2023 and 2024. The first prediction or estimation is that 2022 price activity will continue descending while fluctuating. In other words, the expectation is a...


What’s the Fastest Way to Day Trade Futures?

Scalping is a style of day trading that focuses on executing trades quickly. Often times that means going for many trades of relatively low value. However, multiple wins can satisfy a day’s goal of multiple points of profit. That said, there are no guarantees that any trading method will yield...


One of the Fastest Price Action Scalping Methods You’ll Find

Some people prefer scalp trading over methods that focus on fewer, larger moves. With scalping, you don’t have all your eggs in one basket. You spread your trading day over a larger period of time to account for variability or certain “moods” the market exhibits throughout the day. Does six...


The Secret Behind Trading the Market Open

A common consesus among day traders is that forex is not worthwhile. Respected, experience traders often trade futures markets. These futures markets can be traded almost 24 hours per day, but there are certainly better times to trade than others. Common sense may tell you it’s best to trade when...


DayTradeToWin’s Basic ATM Strategy Approach

Are you semi-automating your order placement? If not, you may want to reconsider it after watching this video. The popular day trading platform, NinjaTrader, has an ability to preconfigure a profit target and stop loss. Doing so will allow you take swift action rather than clumsily using the price ladder...


What it Means to Scalp Trade Futures Every Day

Futures trading is a unique form of day trading because it is not as though you are trading a company’s stock directly or engaging in transactions associated with a currency valuation. Futures are a derivative type market. It is quite possible that many at-home traders do not really consider or...