Category: DayTradeToWin Review


Roadmap: A Price Action GPS For Your Chart

When you’re driving down the road, having a GPS, Google Maps, Apple Maps, Waze, or whatever system, can be indispensable. You kind find faster routes, avoid traffic and speed traps. Wouldn’t it be great to have something like that for your day trading charts? That’s what the Roadmap software from...


What if You Could Forecast 2021 With 90% Accuracy?

John Paul from DayTradeToWin believes this is possible. For many years, he has successfully used his January Effect method to correctly predict if the year will close higher than it opened. The January Effect applies to the E-mini S&P 500, but you can test it on other markets. Note that...


Market Prediction: Early January 2021 Sell-Off Expected

In the day trading industry, predictions are a dime a million. So many people make predictions all the time and they readily point out predictions that come true. That is not so much the problem. The problem is that when many predictions are made, there are some that will likely...


Pro Day Trader Predicts E-mini Sell-Off in Early 2021

In early January 2021, you may well see the E-mini S&P price drop signficiantly. John Paul from DayTradeToWin’s market analysis is provided in the video below. He believes a number of factors will contribute to a multi-day or multi-week price drop, including COVID-19 impact/strain news, vaccine reports, a slower than...


Want to Learn How to Use NinjaTrader? Start Here

ATM Strategies – do you know what they are? No, it’s not a way to turn your computer into a cash dispensing machine. Though perhaps in some abstract way, in the best case scenario, there could be some truth to that. Rather, an ATM Strategy is a way to define,...