Category: DayTradeToWin Review


Trading holidays / Q4 2019 Calendar

For most of us, this is the busiest time of the year. That said, taking note of the Trading holidays is important. The open and closed hours of the markets are not always common sense, so here is a consolidated list of what to expect. All times are in the...


Price Action Trading: Learn More How to Trade the Market

Curious about Price Action Trading? Basically, this is the movement of a security’s price plotted over time. It forms as the basis for technical analysis of a stock or other asset chart. While for some short-term traders, they rely on price action to make trading decisions. Price Action Trading Morning...


Scalping Trading Strategies and Techniques: Learn Now!

Learning about Scalping Trading? If your indicator works for day trading, here’s a video showed a total of five trades that occurred in a couple of hours. You can see exactly see what we did, trade-by-trade. We use a 2 Range chart via the NinjaTrader platform. Click here to see...


How do Market Trading Predictions work for 2019?

In the market business trading where everything is already advance and changing, we need to move forward to be successful. What to expect and how to take advantage can be our opportunity in the long run. We expect that the market will soon crash and will reverse, while these may...

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Mentorship Program: Group Class Starts Nov. 14, 2019

Need a Mentorship Program? No one starts out as an expert; no matter how talented and intelligent the person is. The lack of certainty and awareness is the key to their success. We begin at the bottom of the ladder and ends up to the top of success. Even years...