Tagged: ninjatrader 8


Ever Swing Trade E-mini Futures?

Generally speaking, swing trading refers to holding a position for a longer duration than a typical day trade. A typical day trade may last seconds, a few minutes, but generally not over an hour. In contrast, a swing trade can be many hours or days in duration. Because swing trading...


Day Trading: Do Your Thoughts Create Your Reality?

If you have been on social media and have interesting friends or acquaintances, you may have seen the phrase “Your thoughts create your reality.” This has been a part of the so-called New Age concepts for decades and has roots in ancient practices. Those of ancient days allegedly created sculptures...


DayTradeToWin’s Basic ATM Strategy Approach

Are you semi-automating your order placement? If not, you may want to reconsider it after watching this video. The popular day trading platform, NinjaTrader, has an ability to preconfigure a profit target and stop loss. Doing so will allow you take swift action rather than clumsily using the price ladder...


5 Markets Traded Using Atlas Line’s Price Action

If your trading platform allows you to trade multiple markets, then why just stick to one? For many years, whether on television or on websites, you have properly heard about “diversifying your portfolio.” Well, this video isn’t about stock trading, but taking a diversified approach to futures trading can also...


What it Means to Scalp Trade Futures Every Day

Futures trading is a unique form of day trading because it is not as though you are trading a company’s stock directly or engaging in transactions associated with a currency valuation. Futures are a derivative type market. It is quite possible that many at-home traders do not really consider or...


Truths About Crypto & Rigged Financial Systems

One of the great things about the Atlas Line is that it doesn’t “change its mind” throughout the day. A little while after the market opens, the line the Atlas Line produces begins to grow in the same, constant direction. How price moves around the line is what’s important. That...